A quilt finished...Ya!!! I have been working on this quilt for a while and couldn't wait to finish it, I just love it! It started out to be a possible BOM for the shop, but realized that it more work to kit each month than I had time for, so it will be a shop sample for now then it will come home with me. The quilt is from the book " The Civil War Sewing Circle" by Kathleen Tracy and is called " Friendship Album Quilt". This book has many wonderful patterns and if you dont already own a copy it is well worth purchasing.
You may notice that my quilt is smaller than the book version...I put just one row of the album quilt blocks instead of two...this is so when it comes home it will fit onto the wall I have assigned to it and also because I was driving myself crazy picking the colors for the blocks ( hee..hee) and to think that I tell my customers not to fuss over the colors for scrappy quilts!!! I guess that I do not practice what I preach...can you believe that!!!
Well, anyway I am now working on a quilt called " Me and My Shadow" from Primitives by Lynda with lots of colors and applique( no wonder I found more gray hairs). Hope to post it soon! Look forward to your comments.
Happy Quilting,
Just Beautiful Peg!! I can't wait to see it in the shop:))